by | 22 Apr 2020
Lengerich est située sur le versant sud de la forêt de Teutoburg, dans la région de Rhénanie du nord-Westphalie, à plus de trois cents kilomètres au sud-ouest de Neuengamme.
by sylvie.klajman | 23 Apr 2020
From 1942, external Kommandos will provide cheap labor to German industrialists and help meet the needs of the Nazi war economy.More than 80 Kommandos depending on the Neuengamme camp are created in regions sometimes far from the Central camp. Deportees assigned to...
by sylvie.klajman | 2 Mar 2020
From 1942 onwards, external Kommandos provided “cheap labour” to German industrialists and helped to meet the needs of the Nazi war economy. More than 80 Kommandos dependent on the Neuengamme camp were created in regions sometimes far from the Central...
by sylvie.klajman | 23 Feb 2020
From 1942, external Kommandos will provide cheap labor to German industrialists and help meet the needs of the Nazi war economy.More than 80 Kommandos depending on the Neuengamme camp are created in regions sometimes far from the Central camp. Deportees assigned to...